Wednesday, 1 June 2011

I'm Multitasking - not!

It's official, I cannot multitask. My husband has been telling me this for years, but it has taken me a long time to admit it.

I had hoped to have posted a blog before now but find I am out of time. A heavy week of overtime in the shop, hard partying over the Bank Holiday weekend, and a week-long life drawing course have left me with no time for writing.

Ah that's a poor excuse! It is not time that is lacking but focus. I am distracted by life around me and can't concentrate on writing. Is the answer to do less? Or to focus more?

I started my drawing course last night. I confess to being very nervous after my twenty year absence. And I was right to be. Not only had I forgotten how an easel works but I'd also forgotten how to translate what I saw into marks on paper. After a very brief hour, the class was done - a warm up session to get us past our nerves.

Wish me luck for the next three days and I'll report back to you on my return.

Laura x