My dear friend Cara has been on one of her infrequent but regular visits. I look forward with some trepidation to her coming. Mostly because I'm always doubtful that I have the stamina to keep up with her - her being younger and more practised at partying than me.
As usual though, my fears were quickly allayed as we launched into the wee white wines and tried to catch up with all that we have missed since her last visit. Last night was pretty civilised by our standards - bed by 2.30am and no singing loudly along to Elvis using spatulas for microphones. (Don't ask.)
Cara is a great tonic for me. She's the best listener, making all the right noises and asking all the right questions. More to the point, Cara listens and then tells me to get a grip. This is just what I need and gives Chris a break from having to do all the encouraging. (Oh dear, I do think I'm a bit high maintenance.)
As I've said previously, it was Cara who encouraged me to start my blog and get writing. Her constant words of encouragement:
"Oh stop moaning about your life, it's brilliant."
"I don't know what you're talking about, why don't you just shut up and do it."
"You're a nutter, what are you complaining about?!"
ensure that I keep going even when it's a struggle.
Which brings me to my point: I'm just saying a quick hello until I can get down to a proper blog.
I've still been wading through treacle with a heid full of mince. (Eurgh, sounds like some strange sexual preference.) I have also been busy with weddings and buying and other such stuff. But thanks to Cara's gentle advice I'm telling you this instead of tormenting myself with thoughts of my lack of creativity.
So, as good old Arnie says: "I'll be back."