Friday, 28 October 2011

Back Home to the Dark Mornings

Ugh. We arrived back from Oz on Tuesday after an arduous journey. Emirates airline were a pleasure to fly with (and cheap!) but 19 hours on a plane (no matter how award winning their inflight entertainment) is not good for the soul.

Since our return, the dark mornings have been taking their toll on my mood. In Perth the sun rises at 5am. I had forgotten what a difference it makes to awake to the light. It was, however, disconcerting to find the sun setting instantly, after a summery day, at 6.30pm. By 7pm Chris and I were convinced that it was bedtime & had to force ourselves to stay awake until a reasonable hour.

If I think too hard, it seems absurd that we were on the opposite side of the planet just a few days ago. Our sole purpose for going was to see Chris's sons. Josh, his youngest, we hadn't seen since they left the country last July. What a joy it was to spend time with him. At fourteen and a half he has blossomed into a young man. And I recognised him as an old soul.

Our elder sons (due to their age and personalities) have always taken up the lion's share of energy and attention. So it was a pleasure to have the time and space to focus on their younger sibling. Of course, at 14, it could all still turn to worms. But I have a feeling that this quiet, funny, grown up boy will go far. His philosophy in life is that he will do what makes him happy - and that if times are tough, he reminds himself that this too shall pass. See what I mean about an Old Soul?!

I am delighted to return to the Autumn colours and long for some cold, crisp mornings. Feeling a little blue, I have brought out my Litepod. This compact UV lamp helps me to cope with the oncoming Winter Blues - scaring away my demons and boosting my energy levels. I admit that it's a constant struggle to stay positive - something that poor Chris has to deal with.

Ever the pragmatist, he cannot comprehend why I should suddenly descend into such bleak, black moods. To be honest, I can't either. And sometimes no amount of reprimanding on both our parts can shift them. But there is no doubt that the love of my husband and close friends, and the continued support of our customers and fellow Petworthians, bolsters my spirits and helps me to move forward.

Once again I am filled with gratitude for our beautiful town and the warm, eccentric community that we are a part of. Brigadoon it certainly is and I am happy to be back.

Thank you.
Laura x